Well... What are useful items for prison? 1. There's a pvp place right? PvP related stuffs perhaps 2. cash 3. Well my mind comes to an end here...
No support Reason: first put a note if u have ADHD or Any other hyper / sugar illness And then Gtfo back to ur cell (if u even can afford one...
Not that it matters by now it may matter but shouldn't this be in the Suggestions section ( @fryzigg )
:cp::cat:Purrrr... Books ;) Nice to meet u :rolleyes: :t: Gj on getting less adicted.
Welcome and nice to meet u :cool: =========== And that is a rainline :>
I only use these, because it can be fun and well... I have been on too many servers now and only allow myself to keep being on a few I've played...
U are definetly viewing this. (I am not.)
Hi :rolleyes::p Welcome :cool:
Please move to OP Factions trading section @Ares_Xena @canucksfan44
@Alexa @TakaMaHeShe. ur rather a kid than a skid. No more posts like this please.
Can't give a better explanation myself. Sorry. PS: I Almost don't play on mineverse, I'm just more into community servers instead of PvP kinda....
I hate, well all kinds off sidewalks. And trafficlights sometimes (cause who doesn't?). I do like to take off-routes. I have fallen a few times,...
50% Support Here 3 things I would like to discuss (if not just get hate for) Then instead there is just /sell (custom command) or [Sell] signs...
Got spammed lel
My class has played that.
Ok well @TADS4/ _tomathan I have a question: How did it come to this little amount of mods?
When are we going to ban black holes? XD
Just would have liked you to. I think I made a mistake there :s (edited now) Sorry, I don't automaticly look at male/female the first time maybe?...