if Y0U HaV3 Th3 danke pEpE vOt3 1 F0R TrumP pres Or just VoT3 M3 M0oD...
No ._.
Bump :D
BB <3
Good job Elrak, known you for 2 years now never met you irl but we have been playing together pretty much everday but good to see u change.:)
What happened?
Neutral I agree on the whole new spawn concept, but in the OP PvP spawn we have now it is very basic and that's what I like but yours is taking it...
The only thing you need to improve on is being more active on the forums and that's about it, Good luck.
No support.
hey man!
I have seen you on factions and you're always really nice to other players, you're active, nice and just a great person overall! Good luck,...
In-Game Name: Fatshit I'd really like this rank because me and my brother are really poor in real life, we share the same minecraft account and go...
thank you 4 doing this i really appreaciate it :D
My account was hacking by Elrak and I really want a new account Id be really grateful if u could give me an account any account is fine im just...