Support! :D
I suggest that you take away the perms for /give in creative plots. People could still use /I which will only give you items. But atm While people...
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Fill out the Full format How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak?...
I'd suggest more details.
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More details. Don't lie in your mod app I'm pretty sure mineverse has not been up for a year.
Add more details. And don't lie in your mod app ,MineVerse has not been up for 1-2 years.
Hi :)
This is why I think they should not add this.
I'm jfm I play minecraft. Thats all you need to know.
SkyWars :D
I agree there should be some signs for that because for a complete noob to prison like me I cant figure it out
ok I understand what you mean now I forget that you spawn where you last where in creative plots yeah they should definitely be taken out then.
You could of just pressed alt and tab to get out of minecraft xD but I guess some people don't know that and there really is no need for them.