Bump! Thanks for the support guys!
You need to post some evidence or something to prove it, but not here. Please refer this to the support email: [email protected] Make sure to...
I'm saying in /f flags you can view what is set/notset and it shows why explosions don't work in factions when raiding someone. I'm not explaining...
Okay, due to the overwhelming number of players complaining about TnT not working on factions when raiding a faction i'm creating this thread to...
Okay, i'm having to explain this way to many times. It's stated in "/f flags". If the faction that you are raiding currently has no online...
I would but adding color in my eyes would make it look very unprofessional. I'm used to seeing important documents and professional applications...
You create a faction with a group of people. Claim land based on how much 'Power' you have and basically try to become the richest most powerful...
Adding on to ViperSanity, DON'T spam the email. Send one and wait a little bit for a response. Hope they get it fixed for you!
I appreciate the support and feedback. But I would like these "add more information" comments to include what I should add onto. I can easily add...
What do you mean?
Spawners can be changed by right clicking with a spawn egg of that mob. So if any staff has access to that, then yes, they can change it no problem.
Tested it in my 1.8.3 world and it still works :/
Thank you!
I support, not disabling it completely, but editting the mcmmo files to where it would be more fair.. such as the max disarm chance at 50% an same...
If there was one exit, wouldn't it be easy for the beast to camp it?
It would be nice to have PvP enabling optional.
Thanks! Definitely getting to know the forums.
Okay, well, I would like you to expand on that comment. What more information do you require?