Oh xD
XD I'm poor
I never can :/ ain't got the time
Lmao I'm an old VIP while ur a swag titan
Are you lying?
So ive been getting into some other steam games, and i have become really bored with minecraft after playing the game itself for years. So i guess...
So the last 2 days ive been getting a DoS attack, and i'm fairly sure its someone from the server. I have the IP from the router's logs and email...
Full support. Someone made a bot once and voted for everyone on Prison one day.
My IGN: RandomPotatoes Offender: BillCiper_ Offense: Out of world as a B prisoner: Proof: Photo of him at a pigmen grinder and text of him with...
Didnt know you well in game, but i saw you a lot helping get rid of the hackers. Sorry that it has to end like this. On behalf of the Mineverse...
@TADS4 @SSMH @fryzigg @Pile_of_Butts @BlackZone @tin15cro @Nanurz
My IGN: RandomPotatoes Offender: Zero_Inzanity Desc: 1. Kill Aura for sure, and also possible speed hacks. Proof: Hits me while im behind him in...
Sowz guys sold it a few days ago. @Mods Plz lock and archive
Key Moments of the video at the beginning and at 1:38
My IGN: RandomPotatoes Offender: Skypeebro Description: Uses Anti KB In Kit PvP Proof: [MEDIA]
My IGN: RandomPotatoes Offender: Glaringaphid53 Desc: Player Scammed me 200$ on OP Pvp. Deal was i give him 200$ on Op Pvp then he gives me 200k...
Thanks @CypriotMerks For rolling back my Unarmed i grinded all day yesterday and muting me for complaining about it. Guess its cause im not a...