Make the money flow better Example: Make the jackpots unlimited, so it makes it more risky. Make it so you have 10 seconds to pick up your...
all the proof :)[MEDIA]
IGN: DevinplaysX Skype: i have skype and team speak Background: im 15 op pvp is the way to go i am an Elite rank, i am pretty good at pvp when my...
@Nightfire or tomorrow
@Nightfire tuesday?
@Nightfire i have a double hitter tomorrow and that's when I fight so I can't make it... Can you move me to another day?
@Nightfire really... i was one of the first ones to enroll... i never got no feed back so i just posted another one that isn't fair
Ign: DevinplaysX Time Zone EST Position Competitor :D
I play kit op pvp and i just record hackers and get them banned :) okie