Waiting for the day...the day that never comes! (8)
Omg i think ebola,or cancer
Most of you (just if you give time to talk with me) would ask why i speak so free,just search what happened in chile in 1970-1980
Sra. Demon ;o
Wtf its a ushueed but in girl lol
Miss Natalie :0
Dang,if i dont kill the boss i cant get better weapons,and if i dont get better weapons i cant kill the boss...not awesome The evil within:c
c: thanks!
Sure i will,thanks!
Thanks! c;
Then it all crashes down,and you brake your crown, you put the finger but no ones arround (8) (8)
I play russian roulette every day with a bullet called life!(8) (8)
Guys,i love you all :D
Hello Chlo Chloe c;
>-< Que bienvenida mas calida c: hello!
ill if have too c: and thanks for the correction c:
with ppl like you ill always enjoy my stance c:
thanks! c:
Well,as the tittle says im going to introduce my self. ok then, Im Tomas (WITHOUT THE FRICKING ''H'') Hevia,i live in Chile,Easter Island or Rapa...