33 IGN: ChaoticNights
IGN: ChaoticNights Offenders IGN: Yveskul, FMduger04 You should fix this. either remove these kinds of pets. or all pets. any soloution that'll...
My Ign: BathroomPorno the other guy that scammed me: Dickfacepornstar [media] P3 helmet, not p4. He tryed to kill me aswell, so he...
@Noobcrew Im on kitpvp right now. And i saw you Like Jumping Around then u left. Might u come back? My ign Is BathroomPorno
Your ingame name: BathroomPorno The offender's ingame name: Thunder0727 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming...
I mean I've been Scammed On 3.5k
@Dontchallengeme @PandaBear__ Etc Mods
Hello So .. 3.5k Scammed in Less than 24 hours. New record? [media] When He goes Afk (He says- "Brb gotta call my "Job". In the end I...
[media] Wow, Am i like the chosen one to get scammed 24/3?
MaxNinja Thats very kind of you. You don't have to because you feel sorry for me. But if you insist, well i have no choice... :P
@Dontchallengeme Proof ! And you can se in the chat bar i wrote Proof Dontchallengeme So u know its for the proof!
Still Need it?
It's Alrigth Princess It's a game. It's not really impossible to get it back. just have to try a little harder.
Your ingame name: ChaoticDreams The offender's ingame name: _ChrisPVP_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming...