Hey guys, just wondering what ranks get /fix on the KitPvP server because I wanna donate souly for that command. Please and Thankyou <3
Just wondering what ranks get /fix for KitPvP, it doesn't mention it at the shop :(?
Full support. Sometimes the only way to kill someone with a ton of pearls is to corner them in the mines or the tower... They just pearl 4dayz...
By the sounds of that Popls_MyLife, I'm a very lucky boy.
Before any mods make any rash decisions, hold on. I'm uploading my counter video. :)
Hey, sorry I'm posting this here but it won't let me post anything under "Reports". Anyways, this guy has been hacking for like weeks and he isn't...
-=-=- Nasty Bruh -=-=- Anti Knockback and Forcefield/Aimbot, either of the two. Please read discription on the following video, thankies. :p...
How do I report a hacker on kitpvp?