Apparently every bodies pv's and echests have came back after the last reset, but mine has not :( My bal is still the same but not my pv and...
stop resetting my god
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] they said he got temp banned but hes on today?.... he cant get a 6 hour ban or something like that for using those hacks. pls...
i cant xD i cropped it, ill tell u why. i cropped it because one of my irl friends said something pretty fked up.
please ban this guy ive already posted a thread of him saying some other bbad stuff thankyou
Death threats? would u consider this as one? Please ban him, Hes always toxic in chat. Thank you. Pxtchy
alright alright, u probably false banned him last time aswell
in this picture, and i personally know blaze doesnt hack
IGN: 21ping PvP skills:1/10 Rank: vip Time online: all day man Age:15 Friends in OuterHaven? everyone :D :D ;D
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] pls ban :D
Idk how you guys ban these hackers after people upload them to youtube. so ima give you the links to everyone who i have recorded. Can you please...
GN - CpsDontMatter Age -15 Skype,kik,instagram,snapchat,etc. - u know it Skills - (Pvp, building) pvp, mayb building ;O Background info I may want...
He said if i banned him for pet abusing he would get unbanned straight away because he knows the owner, apparently hes got unbanned 20x on oppvp,...
I think there should be a youtuber rank. To help promote the player and the server. It will promote the server because the player has to play on...