Support this new rank would add a lot more meaning people have like Quads 4 people with a quad could actually do something with it
Support 1. Is active 2. Very mature actually rank a server of his own
Grideisbae For us to finish the plot leather set or armor any rare
Support Very Very well known He is a good guy Active,Honest,Kind
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] sithkittys Rank is gone please help
It still will not work 3 others have bought it as well
I did it did not work i tried 2 times and my friends tryed as well
Math and computer sciences and engineering i would like to design my own games and computer programs
I really dont care about this mod post it wa worth a shot but i need your help i am stuck on op prison I need my spawn reset i get auto kicked...
What do you not want me to do well in school and I am active every day from about 12 noon to about 6 am that next moning
How old are you? I just turned 25 I have a part time job as I am finishing doctorate degree Your in-game name: GrideIsBae What timezone are you...
i have done that and i have talked to the head mod they are getting an admin for me
Some one said to do /p tp 9999999;9999999 and it keeps kicking me out i need help to reset my spawn or something im rank z and have alot of stuff...
Nope just mvp
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @PandaBear__ @ZeldaNinja @PopIs_MyLife
IGN GrideIsBae On Every Server But Prison I am God But on Prison I am MVP Here Are screen shots [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
That should be better