So, pretty self explanatory. I've seen and played it on other servers, and it's pretty addicting. You (as the player) runs around a room...
And now the end is encased in Shop chests... Thank you @xxxZOMBIE64xxx ..
<3 Get Skype
Wonderful idea hun
From my time as staff, I have seen how active you are, how much you care about the servers and the community. I was a part of Crew's team for...
Holy Wow.. a Gray Sage Support! Now you know you did something good! XD
Keep relogging until it lets you in, not all lobbies are 1.8
I Don't really know anything on OPF, just that Mineverse needs more staff as a whole..
Bravo, you win, you tagged a Non Mod as a mod.. I am not staff..
I Would really like to see an extra vault, extra plot, and more Items in the shop. It would give the players something else to do with their...
OPPrison staff don't have the ability to Teleport people anywhere, or Teleport to them. Does this happen only on OPPrison?
I wish you luck, Tubby, and you know you always have my support <3
I Did indeed proof read his entire application before he posted it. I Support Sui 100%. He helps he quite often on OP-Prison.
Remove your Signature.
Sometimes it can take up to 24 Hours for a Donation to Process.
When did you make the agreement?
Does it actually say 278#r when you hold the pick and type /iteminfo ?
Have you checked other game modes to see if it went through there? Sometimes OPPrison is tricky with ranks.
Is it #R or #r
If you pay attention to his scoreboard, it goes from $39.4Billion to $40.4Billion