I hope you guys enjoy :) [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] Please subscribe and like the video if you do enjoy. And don't be afraid to leave constructive criticism
[media] Enjoy this video may start a new Kohi Factions series lmk what you guys think. Black screen fixed
[media] Hi223- SpeedyNinjaz alt xMediaa- DEZIPLEZ alt lmk if you guys like the active mods on the left. It is supposed to be there so you guys...
I appreciate the tip on where to put the videos but i am allowed to use this client on this server i have asked multiple mods and they have all...
My brother is xmediaa i use his acc to fish on mineverse and to play badlion nothing else
I'm confused what are you trying to say lmao? Ive asked mods i'm allowed as long as i don't use any mods that give me advantage while pvp. and so...
Well you can go ahead and do that. But as you can see i don't think i used anything illegal on the client now did i?
lmao probably but for all of you i will stop using the client soon i'm waiting for a better health HUD to come out on forge as well as a better...
[media] Hi223- SpeedyNinjaz alt xMediaa- DEZIPLEZ alt Sorry for the lag all the clips i had were laggy so i just made do with what i had. The...
will do i already made a video for today but the next one will have the edited inventory
[media] DEZIPLEZ PSN - Youtube DEZIPLEZ - MC User DEZIPLEZ - Psn Gamertag DEZIPLEZ - Steam User
What would all of this give me? Like what rank 1. OP PvP 2 stacks of Super Golden Apples 2. KitPvP 5k in game money 3. Prison 70k in game money...
Can you send me a media fire to your texture pack?