Back :D
Trust me im not stalking u @.@
Sick today ;-;
all hell is going to be let loose if my internet is not fixed :(
Hannah was here.... :)
e.e im so giving up if people keep pet hiding
just found out me and larry have the same name :P but she is one year older ;-; my yt :D
Change my Ign to match my yt : TheTeenageEscape
changing my Ign to match my Youtube account :D
tht moment when u kill a kit titan on infection ^-^
love being called out for hacks <3
doing challenge with opproskills and wili and etc. no kits on infection for three rounds :D
e.e so not ready for staff need more help first maybe in a year or two ill apply again
the sad part since i havent been on the forums on a while i dun know how to add color ;-; im so black n white
Thank you so much for the suggestion kind of new at this because its been a long time since i had done a application for staff
so sorry i have edited it yes ive been on mineverse for over 2 years but i was very idiotic and never thought of joining the server forums ask me...
just got this account on mineverse XD should of done this two years ago when i joined :P
:write: The main reason i am making this application because honestly Mods. are not on all the time. At times we players need help or a Moderator...