if a staff member could tp me somehow that would probally be perfect
I used plotme claim to get a plot and i was in the mine at the time (probally wasnt a good idea that) and now its teleported me to my plot i think...
as the title says what do ranks give in servers now?
yeah I finally found the problem now I gotta provide proof to PAYMENT WALL not paypal different payment methods due to some kinda anti fraud...
[ why would a god rank lie so I can get banned sure thing. Pay pal is a screw around I gotta go through payment wall and for some reason haven't...
ok its been over 24 hours still no rank. How do I go about getting a transaction id or receipt cause I never received no e-mail with one?
so I brought titan a few hours ago but still haven't got it any help?
yeah I agree pets should be removed from pvp based servers to prevent pet hiding
no I mean efficiency
we need super breaker fixed on prison cause its so easy to accidently use then your pick loses efficiency which really sucks
exactly just curios whats actually in the chests is all
I do see a point to this a rather good one but that is what donor rank is supposed to allow the over powered kits compared to a non donor...
has anyone got a list of what possible rewards are in the chests atm im looking at op prisons common chests but it would be nice to know whats in...
I use payment wall its not as stupid as pay pal gets
i could do it for you we just gotta try meet up is all
yeah sorry haven't been on for a while to respond but yes my question is answered thanks
ok I know I saw them some where but what are the recipies for the tools on hellblock?
my theory on the fact that someone wants a mod on all day "you apply for staff get a mod rank and you be on all day then otherwise leave the staff...
unfortunately you cant transfer ranks even staff cant do it you would have to give him your account
what all the cells round the side? how do I claim one its all pvp there