No support.
I don't agree. To me, that title doesn't really matter because it isn't based on playing on the server, but going on the website
The new update didn't have those plugins, so be patient
They will soon :) It was just the update that interfered with it
Support. Though, I would make the questions more distinctive
Support. I would give more info and bold the questions
No support. You need a lot more detail.
Support. I would go over it again though, and fix grammar mistakes. I've already seen a lot just by a quick scan over
I am not gonna say support, but I do wish you luck. I would try separating the section why you think you should be mod into paragraphs or...
Loved you app. Support 100%. I would just change the yellow color cuz you can not read it
Noooo support. Sorry, but you need WAY more detail on like everything, color, and you didnt follow the correct format How old are you? Your...
HOLLY! Your app is AMAZING! Good word choice ;) One thing I would say is go into detail a little more. Other then that 100% SUPPORT
Wow! That was a great application. You really owned up to your mistakes and you have learned from a lot of mistakes so you are very wise :o....