No lags on lobby but onto OpPrison it's horrible
You too :D
Pile :p
go Op Prison pls
I just wanted to be sure I was not the only one who lags out like this :D
I know ur not a mod :p
When I say "lag" it mean 1/2 seconds or more to open a chest
by laging I mean the connexion
Hi , Just to ask if you got probs with the server because when I log on OpPrison IT lags VERY MUCH
I can't xD
Email Send :D you can lock anyway
'k thanks :)
Hi , I added someone LOOONG ago he's no more playing now and this guy placed a chestshop that I can't remove so I'm here asking for admin help if...
Can you ban me from the server My Acc' has been Hacked I'll recontact you if I recover my account
this thread can be closed prob solved
how ? he's not added so nobody can open my chest
other screen (thats not my screen)
-thats not the guy on the screen thats Wancar I got multiply screen
see the screen he's denied but still oppening my chests