I changed my name from RoboNerd28 to Xenos_. I kept my rank, yes, but I lost acess to my creative plot. If you could add me to it that would be...
Well, of he hasn't already, just gonna hi spend it...
We did, in a Skype call...
Also, we made a deal that I would pay him when I got the money...which I'm still getting
I hope that tags them
I said I bought SPONSOR myself. See, trying to lie right there.
Before this gets all willy-nilly, I paid him 500b, which he "claims" he didn't get AND paid him even MORE and he still "claims" I've paid nothing.
This dude named KhrypticSkull was on, and threated Zentios of ddosing him. He also got Zentios's ip. I have proof if needed....
I'll try when the shop is online :D
I'm stuck outside of the plots world border, and need someone to teleport me to spawn. Thanks