the only proof I have I didn't get my money back
no, after we made the deal I got out my recording software.....
no, I made the deal then I got my recording system to see if he will scam me :/
FROZENRAZOR scammed me 2B in op prison. As soon as I payed her/him she/he left. This is the youtube link or the prove. [media] Sincerely,...
Bunchie0007 scammed me 2B in op prison. I have footage of it. I just want my money back ._. It is a youtube video and here is the link. [media]...
hello, I need your help. When I join op prison it keeps kicking me and its annoying. I have posted threads and told staff but I don't get a reply...
hey ImTubeless, I need your help. Everytime I try to log in to op prison it kicks me out. I don't know how to ing fix it and it is annoying. I...
hey I have a problem... every time I log in to op prison it kicks me. I want to start playing again but I can't! Please help me
Hello, my name is RelativeEmperor. A guy I skyped said to do /p tp 100000:100000 and then it kept kicking me when I want to join op prison. I want...
I will do anything for you to ban him...... !
Now he said he is gonna DDOS me
Someone said to do /p tp 1000000:100000 and then I did and now every time I log in it kicks me. Please help me! His name is zentios and I skyped...
I changed my username from salman12112 to RelativeEmperor and lost my rank and money on op prison I was n and I had 200 Billion money. Please...