Thankyou for the support everyone
I do i really do. :D i really love helping
Yeah and then the rpg people can consentrate on what they are doing lol
Here @Laura_or_is_it
Heis right just replying so he can see it
No support because you seem rude when people voice their opinions and mods seem it as a bribe when you say donation ranks in your mod appeal. You...
I agree with the cape ideafor the staff members aren't that recognised on the gamemodes like survival infection factions ect so maybe a mv cape...
I agree because the maps are well played and everyone knows the best hiding spots and how to get to them
Latly there has been alot of rpg in creative so i was wondering if there can be a local chat so those playing rpg can focus on their rpg and maybe...
I see you are staring at my profile o.o not stalkin or anyhting
I agree
Yeah that would help people alot
That is acually a great idea everyone knows the hiding spots so that is why the games go so quickly
Haha i have made it known on .org i am her sister because of the same ip and i am nothing like her but at times i have been told i follow her...
how am i manipulative aggressive and rude may i ask?
I support because on .org u r a greqt mod lol
Every bit of support helps thankyou
Added more detail
After you add the detail i will support and i do agree mv is a little out of controll but the mods are doing their best to help the server run...