if you zoom in on the screenshot you can see his name
I have seen him Before hacking but i forgot to take a screenshot
i Think that you are not allowed to use two mineverse accs. i got warned for more then one acc
i have a suggestion to make a FREE tool kit in skyblock. i got some suggestions what you can get with the kit: two stone pickaxes, a stone axe...
what do ypu mean with more detail?
what do you mean with "more detail"?
little abute me: Name: Lucas I'm 13 years old Played minecraft in 3 years How old are you? I'm 13 soon 14 Your in-game name: My in-game name is...
In-game name: Nallen__00 Offender's in-game name: Nicholas153 He spammed offensive words My screenshots: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
We are on the same ip i was at the school and my friends are Mankarlia and Theflames00 and i tryed to bann flamingtorch because I was angry that...
Help my friend http://www.mineverse.com/threads/skyblock-spawner.2127/
How old are you? 2 Your in-game name: 2 years What timezone are you in?idk What country do you live in? 40%Swedish 60% English (lives in sweden)...
Hello! My ingame minecraft name is: Nallen__00 and offenders minecraft name is Brando0302. Brando was spamming the chat in like two mins and the...
They are hacking they have the same skin i hate hackers like them the hackers are: diomondrascal and redgunner2004[IMG] [ATTACH]
how can you now that they hade gliding