Hi! Im [God]godispontus and the recently few days Justin11225 has started to play on his secondary account to be able to hack and get good stuff....
Hi my name is godispontus(in minecraft) and i play on factions "alot" and then ToruPvP wanned to team with me and i said that im team with tomanny...
I hate being banned from kitPvP for no reason
Wazzuppp, could you help me get unbanned on kit pvp plz?
DUDE, Lola! you cant unban PPUNCH301, just becouse he said that he wont scamm anymore you cant unban him! he still has my stuffs and i want it...
and Btw Lola, Ur The Best Moderator Ever! ur the only one that listen what im saying :D but plz ban PPUNCH301, and btw :D im a new Follower xD and...
dude :D hes not banned :D you told me that PPUNCHY is banned :D hes on Factions right now, btw hes also known as PPUNCH301
hi plz... ban PPUNCHY ! my friend messaged PPUNCHY when he was online on kitpvp, and he said that he bought it to me and a moderator will give me...
no he has not :( im still god :( i want my titan so badly,,, he said that he bought when i wasnt online and a mod would give me it :D i gave him...
my the fudge i dont have my titan rank then SCAMMER
My In Game Name: godispontus Yesterday(2015-03-08) i made a deal with PPUNCHY... if i would give him 6 Sets protection 4, 600000$, 5 sharpness 5...
Hi! Yesterday(2015-03-07) i did i deal with a guy named PPUNCHY... that he would buy me titan if i gave him some stuffs... and he said... okey now...
im trying to join the server but its just runs out of time :( what is happening? is the server getting ddos:d?
thanks for the help! but please trust me i dont hack
Hi! My ingame name is godispontus(im the rank [God]), and i got banned from kitpvp 2015-02-11 for the reason of hacking(kill aura). The one who...