Welcome back! Here's your noob badge and your newbie kit and yea, you're house warp and homes are gone too. Dangit! >.<
Anyone got any ideas as to how to help with this issue?
Oh... nvm then @CypriotMerks or @HeyitsAlexa can you close this please?
If you changed your name and lost your rank this is what you do: send proof of former name what your name was what is is now to...
If the area is unclaimed or claimed by someone else (obviously lol), you cannot place water. You can only place water in your personally claimed...
Hey there, I just obtained a silk pickaxe and am in need of a LOT of packed ice for my project/home. As I tried to mine the packed ice, I was not...
Half the admin shop gone? How odd...
Support. She totally makes a good point. If we don't want people who dupe items to gain money from it, why not just remove the ability to sell...
Anyone wanna be my friend?
Ello peeps