I'm not asking for a second chance to be mod
Can someone please tell him to respond to my appeal
@Agent.Android :)
I already made a ban appeal. It has been unanswered for over a month. Could someone please tell Merks to look at it since he ignores me :(
This is neither. This post is to get support for my unban and a discussion to see if the community thinks I deserve a second chance. I am not...
Hi, could you also see about answering my ban appeal? I wrote it about a month ago and still didn't get a response :(
He did, and when he failed to get a response I contacted them as well. I don't need to go into a debate with you on this. So unless you have...
I did contact support. When I didn't get a reply from there, I contacted him directly.
Back when I was mod, I messaged him regarding an issue with a player's rank. The player lost his rank and waited a month and didn't get a reply,...
I have made an appeal and messaged Merks. No response from the owners. I made this thread to see if I can get support and perhaps get Merks to...
Since you're beginning to go off topic, and you're essentially asking for a flame war, I kindly ask you to leave the thread. Thank you!
Calling someone mentally handicapped is very immature. Well, what a great way to demonstrate how good of a person you are. But that's none of my...
The sources who told me info and provided me with evidence made me promise to never reveal him/her. I shall keep my word. But snoopdogg102 makes a...
You'd be surprised at what I know. Anyway, thanks for your opinion :)
I'm just saying; if he's gonna accuse me of being biased when I never was, I could bring up the bias he has had in the past. But...[IMG][/URL][/IMG]
In what situation was I "biased"? Please, do enlighten me on that. And telling someone to "get a life" is hardly offensive; the person I directed...
UncleUrnesto has a Titan rank, he can do /jump and get right through doors easily. Also, the walls did not fully connect and he could just swim...
It's really odd how people like you that I've never met on either forums or in game are so rude to me. I've never even talked to nor encountered...
I'm not trying to be mod again. Although that would be nice, I understand that the trust has been broken and I know I can't be mod again. I want...