I'm a huge fan of this show and I want to know your opinion on the final scene where Spike collapses after his signature "Bang" sign. Personally,...
Updated this.
this post has no purpose
Not a Secret anymore! Muhhahahahah!
I think Beauty & The Beast will be good. Disney has not failed us yet.
The title pretty much says it. So discuss it. For Me Wonder Woman & Justice League (but they'll poorly critically but do well at the box-office)...
Totally right about 50 shades. But there was a Cinderella remake in 2015 and Beauty & The Beast is gonna be great with Emma Watson
Remakes are everywhere today and let's face it... Alot of them suck. HARD!!! But there are some exceptions. So as the title says. What movie...
I set a fire alarm off in Reception Year and it was one of those fire alarms that had a glass panel and a hammer and i was a dumb kid and I...
Looking at my old posts and they are cringy as f.
ikr better late than ever
Meh, It was worth a shot.
Thanks Dudes
This sounds like a terrible idea. But what if we had a infection server with all the old maps and system back before the reset. This sounds like...
Ok. Sharp 20 bows are too op. I died in 3 hits. I mean WTF.
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: HoodieGuy2022 The offender's exact ingame name: Detan...
Boy In The Striped Pyjamas is really depressing. We watched it in school and I hated it because I found it too depressing and the ending was......
I did a similar thread to this and I totally agree they are too OP maybe if they got it to Sharp 10 or 12 it will be fine.