why say "stalin" when you could say "foodn't"
ur mom straightn't
fetus yeetus
noobcrew dies in infinity war
i bet you like fortnite
mental impairment
a serpent has taken unwelcome residence within my footwear
this is an outrage, ima quit unless u get repromoted >:(
in every multiverse, every version of urself have the big g@y
omega infinite g@y
u have quadruple g@y
ur a cringe meme
i also hope some mod doesn't seE tHiS ANd dELeTE foR SweARinGgGG
i have a problem with memes from 2005
i hope ur forums acc gets deleted u coCC
who tf r u and how r u staff lmAo u don't even do anything xdddd
why are you white
my name's tom gay and I hate the sweenys