Ok thanks i hope it will work :-)
Hi please help me get back my elite rank:) my old ign was Miles_Sunhede then when i changed name to shangapallia i didn't have my rank or any...
hello if you remember me my minecraft name is Miles_Sunhede and i had a elite rank.But one day you could change your name so i change it to...
no i didn't save my rank and stuff in chest and does things if you can make me elite again or god because i lost everything my old ing was...
i was elite and lost it when i change my name i also lost all my stuff in enderchest and things like that,so i think that all people that lost...
new ign:shangapallia old ign:Miles_Sunhede just so you know I'm from sweden don't have a screenshot but i have a video go in to youtube channel...