How do u delete a forum acc or change the name
How do u delete a forum account or change the name
I support you too your a very nice person :>
Toby you scammed lol don't lie
plus most people reported dont get banned quickly
thats why we need undercover mods that thing romar said
We NEeed this UPDATE
LDM77 thats a good idea SEE LDM77 GETS IT
we just need one moderator's response on this and most likely it will be noticed by the owners dont forget some suggestions dont get accepted...
We need to get a mod or the owners into this it sounds cool
BANN !!!!!!!!!!
i dont get why the mods need soo much evidence. THEIR IS A BUNCH OF SCREENSHOTS OF HIM/HER HACKING.
I'll love this for the server and epically for me when it comes to kit fight Love it its like an upgrade :)
Ban bobbywooby case close @Rakion504
u hack too @theflames00 u have hacked armor so shut up
Plz ban him this guy HAcks his butt off. He is ruining the mineverse KitPvP section. Plz BAn him when u can @Rakion504 and @Edward Ray and...