Waiting for Fryz To Replt...
Holidays Are Getting Wasted
All mods not replying to me fryzigg not replying Cypriot not reply these holidays is a waste
Ugh tough time...
Cypriot Dude My ign in wisemars I was getting ddosed by 8four4 so I just told him I gave someone ur ip so u better stop ddosing me some guy got a...
Fine Brah Thanks For Advice I've honestly been playing for 1year and 1 month I I just joined forums as I got banned from op PVP for no reason :)...
I wanna be mod on op PVP and op factions :)
My Ign Is Shocks50541 I am 17 years old from USA In New York.I Have been banned on op PVP but the was for no reason.I want to be mod as I like...
Don't Mess With Tha Boss!!!
>.< Don't Give Up The Sky Is The Limit :)
Unban me plzzzzz I didn't do anything on op pvp
PLZ unban me from op pvpi didn't do anything wrong :(