Your ingame name: TrabsterMC The offender's ingame name: Skycrumpler A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The person spammed...
Your ingame name: TrabsterMC The offender's ingame name: karrg A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising their server....
Your ingame name: TrabsterMC The offender's ingame name: RoboRoberto9 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Basiccaly started...
sorry i will not have anymore evidence anymore, he has decided to use his money he made from profits and buy rares to boost up his island level .
i swear you are the only skyblock moderator, if there is another i have not seen him. Thanks for making the server better man :)
ok, he may not be on for a bit though
Your ingame name: TrabsterMC The offender's ingame name: hawksterino A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They new island...
some grammer issues, but i also don't play hellblock but other than that yeah i support.
ingame name: TrabsterMC offender's ingame name: AntPearl rule they broke: They were cursing (on signs) and caused discrespect with them. This...
ingame name: TrabsterMC offender's ingame name: BaranPvP rule they broke: They were Advertising their server screenshots. [ATTACH]
On skyblock when you try to sell cobblestone the id (4). it syas item id is wrong please fix already because people need to make shops -_-
Your ingame name: TrabsterMC The offender's ingame name: FatalityCraftHD A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: they cursed at...
ingame name: TrabsterMC offender's ingame name: D3ADRA_SHADOW A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: they had a death trap in...
name:TrabsterMC offender's ingame name: UnidentifiedNoob they broke the rules 'do not scam under any circumstance' they also had a death warp...
TrabsterMC Yoloswagkony2012 they were advertising their server and stating that there is free ranks and /fly mode. attached [ATTACH] Screenshot...
my name is TrabsterMC his name is Ronan_Od He was cursing and showing no disrespect evidence is the pic
quick thread here on skyblock you can take other peoples armour and creepers can take item frames and they sometimes glitch out and i lose them.
I put the wrong age in i am 14 can you put 2000 instead of whatever is there, thanks!
so i cannot get comparators and item frames keep breaking(skyblock) uhh well...