:p well thats sucks i wonder why was denied.
1. IGN: (xXFLUFFYMCXx) 2.How old are you? (14) 3.What prestage are you in infection? (2) 4. Why do you want to join the Merciless Killers?...
In this video I talk about how Luckyjunior & hes friend Kill3rGoesRawr scam me in a deal of 15 sharp 30's (in oppvp) and $500 (in game money) for...
Hello Noobcrew my friend got banned from the server about 8 months ago and it was really not a good ban since hes computer died and a mod thot he...
gizz can you contact the co-owner to look at my thread so i can get my elite back so i can upgarde tp surpreme today
hello i had the rank elite untill i made the worst mistake.[IMG] As you can see my username is xXFLUFFYMCxX and im elite. i was going to buy...
help i accidently bought premium for my self when i ment to buy it for a friend and now i lost my elite rank plz help me get it back its $50 rank...
agent wiwfi i was gonna buy premium for a friend and i accidently forgot to change the user bame and i was a elte and now im premium plz plz plz...
Hello KILL_ME_NOW has been scamming on OP FACTIONS: We had a deal that he will upgrade me to surpreme for 500k. But its been 30 min and he msged...
can u give example :)
do you mean links
do you like my info
Fixed my application you guys like it
Hello im fufu123321 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOW OLD ARE YOU? I'm 13 years old right...
Hey im making a youtube to post videos of hackers is it ok if i can use the mineverse logo in the backround of the channel banner. Channel name:...
Love Mineverse it's my #1 server . I play on it evry single day.
I can't find were i can apply for staff can you help me?