I had gotten scammed long ago, never bothered to post anything because I was looking for the guy who scammed me. This happened on 8/12/15 Now its...
Not much to say, title explains it all. Proof http://imgur.com/RArbojh Thanks @Termlicious For The Screenshot :)
RIP, OP Prison. Died at X XD. GG @sithkitty @Flazer @MrPronounce(Kyle) We made the #ResetOPPrison go round...
I fell and I kinda bumped
I feel so much better now I just blew up a grinder on prison. :D
What about now? I included evidence.
Hello. Today I will be talking about opprison. The server has gotten out of control lately, due to duplicating, and mob spawns on. Well,...
Bye people from OP Prison. Quitting after being scammed 10 Trillion.
Great details man. OpPrison is mumbo jumbo. Support ~Zombie
Today I Will Be Filing ANOTHER Report. The player today, says he scams, and he has scammed me. Today I got him to say he scams.. Proof?...
Hello, Im Today Reporting Racism on prison. http://gyazo.com/e9c7d56f3acac363d5ad4bca677eae18 Has the evidence. This player kept saying...
Hi, today I will be filing a report on a player. This player was spamming me and wouldn't stop. Evidence:...
No support, they have a gift called the next mine/rank. Sorry, I dont think this is needed. ~Zombie
OP Factions 2.5 Million Prison- 100k OP Prison- 2 Trillion Supreme-God~
I need signs taken off of my plot for shop. http://gyazo.com/f2e23b77c4878a9c015a85c7f5e081a6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Proof I own The Plot...
No, Still Not Free Tag
@Scorvix Why'd You Dislike My Post? Its just a Link To My Idea.