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Your ingame name: KillerDog75 The offender's ingame name:EskimoPvP A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacks...
My Ingame name: KillerDog75 His ingame name: SlimeGamerFTW Reason Report: hacks Video: [MEDIA]
together with a friend I recorded job because he was constantly killing me. I had protection IV and he kept on using hacks to kill me and my...
but I did not hack, I recorded job423 for hacking
Dear Lola, Please help me. I posted the video on job423 hacking, because i don't think it's fair if people hack. I tried to play this morning and...
this is the movie of the hacker
Your ingame name: lorenzo150 The offender's ingame name: job423 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill hacks...