true but thanks for the support
bahhahhaha Thanks :)
Thanks :)
i support all ive wanted to have a score board for ever because its just boring when playing skywars because there is nothing to do
Hey guys i love Sky wars but its just getting boring now because There is no point in playing Because nothing happens and its not fun i think we...
Hey Guys i think Skywars should have a Leader-board And and unlock able kits because its getting very boring now because there is no point in...
Your ingame name: CakeyFlakes The offender's exact ingame name: Frank_84543 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flying and...
its op it wont be if you guys hurry up and add the new ranks and add prestiges
i was canberra for amonth bro we had no computer we left it at home
i dident why do u think i wasent on for a month
thats the point you rank up a bit faster
Lets get alot of supports so it can go to noobcrew every one
_ i came back from holiday
its for oprison and prison and im suggestiong this for when the new ares rank comes out it could be a bit easier to rankup and it wont take 5...
as i said you can do /autosell a second time it wouldent sell it you could mine your diamonds with out selling it
why sith?
how can i get NoobCrew to see this guys?
there is a option to do /autosell witch the first time in enables it second time it diables it so u can mine the things u wanna keep then do...
true xD
Thanks guys for the support and no report and yes im making this for op prison and normal prison