Yellow is ugly and hard to see
Make colors diffent
Never have seen you on any gamemode man soz 10% Support 10 because u play xD
This section is only for reporting things that happen on the forums. If you'd like to report a player for breaking in-game rules, please post your...
Nope I am not XD Agentwifi is CosmicGalaxy's brother I asked AgentiWifi for a name for a mc he said CosmicPVP [media]
This happened to me I lost 50 k and than got 10 k randonly and than lost 1 k and got 40 k So yeah should fix it
Hey Guy's you know who I am!! I know I have a bad past I would like to change that I am restarting say if you see me in game just msg me...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: CosmicPVP_ The offender's ingame name: ChrisCutey123 A...
First of all @CosmicGalaxy I not frotac
Kk I will Right now
I am pretty sure you do know you we're ddoing people in the calls I will not say who told me but yes u did So please don't lie in mod apps they...
JJTGaming ur my friend I wouldn't judge you over that but your a good and nice player I have had people saying you were booting Krishy and his...
Hello, Cosmic here I would like to some stuff here just random I have joined this server today and they're are some mean players but the mods...
@ScoFu13 @Taylor @HeyItsAlex @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew I need to make a list of mods to tag xD
Ok, Thanks for answering <3
Question. How would you get protection 15 on kit pvp?
@Noobcrew please all theres mods close :D:D:D:
I will Tag all mods I know to close this D: @ScoFu13 @CypriotMerks @Taylor @HeyItsAlex