Crazy to think I used to play this 12 years ago
sup bro, bit of a throwback
i just wanna play with my best friend :(
i reckon, it sucks cause im banned on prison now haha
ive been on the server for a long time, used to be a proud member of NASA haha
yoyo anyone still play this
we should play some time
Hey add me back on skype
w e s h o u l d p l a y s o m e t i m e, h i t m e u p o n s k y p e l i k e o l d t i m e s
is anyone out there? cause i feel like playing with some OG people
“I’m Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One...
tis good
China China China -Donald Trump
lol ur still on this ahahahhahaha shud have a sesh on skype later
sup fam
Make him mod already
long time....
Should I play minecraft again or should I stay with Dota 2 and CS:GO btw you should invite me again to NASA
Thanks he is really annoyed and i don't want him to was money on stupid things
Daddy would you help my friend he got OMG.exe and he is freaking out