Banned for being Sexist
Banned cuz you make me cri
Banned for judging ,callin me racist :(
banned for saying the word anime
Banned cuz you cant tell me what to do
Banned cuz i can
hey can you change my forum name to KingGlenIII
Please change my name to KingGlenIII and my birthday to March 17, 2001
DCM when are you gonna do the plot comp?
Server Down?
HI my name is juan
# @PandaBear__ all the way!
thank you so much
thanks @Musezeta
dat spinning kid doe
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew and also @KatoKillsMyGPA can you change my forum name to KingGlenIII?
bump and also i cant log on to OpPrison since i accidentally did /p tp 100000;1000000 in stead of 100000;100000 so it isnt leting me go on :/
sorry man
i need your help