This has been up for a couple weeks now and not one moderator has chimed in here yet? Can we get an official and legitimate response on the steps...
Well everyone has to be honest and those of us who truly lost money are going to be the ones that continue to post here because we feel weve been...
The proof is the proportion of members affected.. Anyway excuse me for asking this here Fusion im relatively new to this server and MC in general...
Buuuuuump : )
Thx for the heads up.. I just don't want this falling off the radar and being forgotten .. Whether it was a couple hundred or a couple hundred...
Good Afternoon Noobcrew.. Im posting here because weve had a forum thread up for several days about Skyblock missing account money after the...
Bump.. Can we get a resolution to this situation please? Not getting many responses here on the forums. How do we go about getting compensated for...
Ya how does one provide proof of half their money disappearing suddenly?? Its not like people screenshot their accounts daily and as far as ive...
Wondering when we all will get back our missing money on Skyblock from server restart the other day??
Karateman4268 Add your complaint along with all of us others on the main thread near the top of this forum so we don't have umpteen threads about...
Im "bumping" this cause its been a couple days now and no response as of yet from Noob or Cypriot.. I don't know about anyone else on this thread...
I HAD the EXACT same thing happen to my account yesterday and I also posted a thread... Heres mine to be added to this complaint I logged out...
Bump!!.. This has been open for over 24 hours now can we get someone in admin or moderation to look into this for us and update us as to the fact...
Hi!.. Seen you stopped by and just wanted to say hi ; )
I HAD the EXACT same thing happen to my account today and I also posted a thread... Heres mine to be added to this complaint I logged out last...
I logged out last night and had over 8k dollars on my Skyblock account and no one else has access to it.. I logged in right now and I have just...
Thank you that is very kind of you although I have no idea whats in Kit Titan either lol. Ya I wouldn't make a fuss over losing out on those...
Evidence of which? That the crates working or that I didn't receive a "Kit Premium"? Of the kit no I didn't know what it is or what it does or...
I just used the Skyblock Crate about an hour ago and it was back up and working so as far as Skyblock goes the Crates good.. I want to thank you...
Thank you very much for this swift response. The help is much appreciated and we hope to see this thread closed soon in that case lol