bud, I said he didn't know there was a forums before I told him when he got banned. He knew the basic server rules. No hacking, no cheating, no...
As I said, he did not know there was even a forums. On the server there is the basic rules... No cheating, no disrespect, the basic things. He...
the rules on the server are simply do not curse and no staff disrespect. He didn't even know there was a forums until I told him about it today...
He did not know that. Mmay you unban him? He was literally asking if it was allowed, you could have replied with a simple no, it's not hard. Cmon.
Reporting: PinaColada__ The situation: My friend, named Riding was muted for disrespecting the mod... Dissapeared, my other friend, used...
You have a few grammatical errors here and there, but I don't want to be a grammar nazi :p I've never seen you online before, but that maybe...
ArcherHeadPvP was also doing it here. I'm sorry it's not much. :(.
Offenders IGN: DevinPvP What he did: No Slowdown hacks, he uses the Metro hacked client. Sorry it's screenshots, I didn't have enough time to pull...
Can pop take care of my appeal because youre inactive?
Please reply to my ban appeal.
Offender's IGN: KlutzyGiant4 Proof: Screenshot(S)
Then maybe we shouldn't have updated to 1.8 which no one likes in the first place. We should just go back to 1.7 which is the intelligent thing to...
I lost my money aswell
And don't close this. Because the only question I asked him was 'what color is it' and he said it. He released my street address which is correct...
@PrincessPayne @quickflame @PandaBear__
Can any mods freaking look at this already. @Lola Perez
@Firo3000 @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @ScoFu13
My IGN: DarkCharmanders Offenders IGN: UncleUrnesto His offense: He said 'I got his IP' Which was mine. Then started releasing my street address,...
He has done this offense many, many times. I think he should get a tempban. DarkCharmanders Krishy10 Disrespect Screenshots
Seahawks beat packers today edit: 6 up in overtime, they made a big comeback, packers were 16 up but wow in those 4 minutes.. seahawks hot damn.