Are you still doing upgrades?
LOL thanks
No one does it for 1b
Ok my IGN is Zomboculous and I am in need of an upgrade to elite. can someone upgrade me? Name your price for it I'll see if I have enough.(Maybe...
In game name:Zomboculous Age:13 How active are you:I max up up to 9 hours cuz I love factions. What are your skills: I can brew pvp and yeah......
IGN:Zomboulous Age: 13 Previous Factions: None Lol JK Not sure Favourite Minecraft animal: Cow PvP skill:10 Cannoning: 8 Favourite kind of...
You can join mine but are you willing to be a recruit for at least 2 weeks? And do u have skype?
Ok guys so on OP factions I'm buying 6 skeleton spawners for 70k each and I really need some spawners hope u guys sell. BTW if I scam go report me :D
Wait how's it cheap? You can't even make a portal...
Wait really? How did they crash it?
Theman actually op factions was crashed by someone I can't get on
On Mineverse OP Factions is down and it's getting quite long to get back up... PLZ DONT RESET OP FACTIONS
Umm are you still there?
Well actually sir it is. Not many people on OP Factions can get to the nether and yeah. BY any chance is anyone selling 6 Skeleton spawners?
The Minecraft OP factions
Hmmm how about 70k each?
Hey on on OP facetious I can't find any skelly spawners is anyone selling? I need 6 Plz And don't say skelly spawners aRent on the server... They are
I really am in the nether and I know people will sell that too but I can still do other people