ign: mowlandy new ign: mint_monkey_ amount lost: 200 im not bothered about the money im bothered about my p4 i lost when i...
i changed my minecraft name and went on mineverse and looked in my echest and my p4 wasnt there nothing was and i lost my rank commander so plz...
also i cant use the repair sign at /warp oldspawn so plz could u fix
plz can u ban quentin0807 he said he would repair for me then he took my p4 and killed me with hi friend job plz its not fair that they scam me...
plz can u ban quentin0807 he said he would repair for me then he took the p4 for himself and kill me with job plz cuz im pissed cuz of them 2 pricks
Plz could u sub to me this is my recent vid [media] and if any staff see this could you maybe make a forum place where utubers can put links to...
maggi scammed me and u said u dont ss ppl so can we do the online ss where u dont give me ur skype they is a website
firo accept my appeal but he said ask a mod to unban me bcuz hes going to sleep so plz could you unban me and link to my appeal is here...
damn this thread tho
i agree