Thank you for your time and help. That does suck quite alot.
Hello, i am a long time mineverse player for about 5 years now and during those 5 years i bought the rank titan on my main account Joerunner28....
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: RRRumour. The offender's exact ingame name: Danteeeb....
Support. GL
Look again :P
Dude ik Spanish i lived in a city where every 1 talked spanish and i lived there for 10 years ! so ik more spanish than u do
No Support Sorry
I am a 12 year old Boy Who Loves to Play Minecraft and all sorts of games! My ign is : Joerunner28 GMT United Kingdom I Speak : Spanish &...
Hey KingAlex :D Your Nice :P We KILL And WE EAT HeHeHe LOL...