It's been a while since this message has been posted, i'm using kit tempest for the axe only, I'm already a Titan. Nope ;)
No support, you're being a butthurt kid on factions.
Cool story x)
Theres no more need to post on here.
I maybe just don't want to write a 3 hours text like you did for a simple server, sir, whoever you are :p.
I can't change people's opinion, Wario. People know who I am and what I was. And they don't think I should be Moderator because i copied a part of...
I just assume what people are thinking, if people think it was a bad idea, then it was. Thats how life work, no ? ;)
Thank you for the compliment.
No I'm agreeing with you, I never thinked i deserved mod, and with this flamewar, I clearly see theres nobody wanting me to get mod, and i assume...
Exacly :p
First, right there, you're immaturity saying ''Wow, speechless'', You insult me now ? Who gave you the right to insult me as you want ? Whats...
You are complaining I am not active ingame and in the forum, and I am. It's not because i don't post message i'm not on the forums looking at...
I don't know if I'll change it, according to the fact you have no authority on me :p. You think you are not being a jerk ? haha :p.
Haha don't worry, i read pretty much everything, i just don't write messages ;) so stop being a jerk :D
Haha, alright scorvix, I'm just in-game 6 hours a day :p, but fine :3.
haha :p