AsianFinest_ Thank you for having this great opportunity to everyone on the mineverse forums it really means a lot to all of us and hope you have...
My ign is iDash. My rank is Titan. My problem is I have titan on all the servers but op prison.
Jaden thank you for the feedback and I am doing my best to be active on the server I think I am on the forums even longer than playing minecraft...
Why do I have to have a sister just why
@Bombmasaur thanks for the feedback I will do my best do Add more info and be more active on the server
SSMH I will do my best to be active on the server
Thanks everyone for the support <3 all of you
I Support Good Luck Van
They Fixed the server,Well For me
Sometimes I feel Tired And Sometimes I feel ENERGIZED
@Alexa Sup Um If u want to join me you can on ArcherPvp On mineverse <3
On Mineverse Now playing ArcherPvp If anyone wants to join and @Noobcrew and @CypriotMerks nice Idea for coming up with it.
Only 5 more weeks Till School ends.I knew it would come
Was gone for a while but now Im back <3
Sometimes I wake up tired and sleep,but sometimes I wake up exersiesed and hyper,This is almost an everyday cycle.
@ImTopmass why no support?
Its almost summer yay.
@lsbminecraft <3 I am applying for other servers to have more experience.