i have a creative plot on creative this guy said its real good and told me to submit it to forums for a infection map My screen shots don't come...
my sky grid is all messed up and I want to make a new one but it won't let me please I want a new one
See I agree there like Evan fun designing would make it look nicer you guys are one of the best servers but you should show it in some builds I...
As a member of mineverse id just suggest some more detail added like how you guys did op kitpvp its cool looking
every time I click on your server it say's disconnected but when I click on other servers they work
Stop replying I said I give up leave me be
This webpage didn't do anything but make me want to quit mineverse. I get it guys my application sucks, I joined forums today to sign up. I...
Hoping for staff approval Skype: DAH_KILLER_KITTY
Hoping for staff approval
i like the server but the builds on it look like it took you a minute to make it you don't have any back drops or extended detail
I will try more on my next application for a different server I guess
It's not that I don't agree with you I get it that I dont go on the website that much so it make me not be able to be a mod or the detail in...
I alway have a positive attatude and I treat people respectfuly I possibly am what your server needs to get a bigger crowd maybe more then lame...
I really only want to be apart of your server more less just build for it I understand you don't want me to be a mod cause of my grammer ??? I...
Need more detail
•I'm 14 •My ign is neon5566 •Time zone UTC •United States Of America •Only English •"Well Ive been a mod once but the server crashed and hasn't...
Hey I'm neon5566 I love mineverse it's the first server I joined when I first joined minecraft I just would like to say that I think being a mod...