Ok Hi I was wondering about the Mob Spawn Eggs In SkyGrid. We Can Get them from random chests but apparently we cant use them.. Is this on purpose...
Old IGN: ReesesPieces22 New IGN: ReesesPieces22 Old rank: Transaction Info/Screenshots of rank proof:
Just To let u know there is now Fall Damage in mines, There never used to be. and now that means people can die to easily in a packed mine and...
Okay Just To let u know playervaults Helped out ALOT! and now all my stuff in there is gone because u decided to uninstall it. Well I had 27 lava...
On one of the photos it has is gamertag in there... He dug underground before i could get him in person. But just check rollback.
Sorry I didnt make this report last night when it happened but My parents got mad at me and told me to shut it down and go to bed.
Your ingame name: ReesesPieces22 The offender's ingame name: bnr09 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He Griefed Me and I...
Okay ON [OP Prison] I am friends with several people on the server that have plots and I use them to help make stuff. Like I build there shops,...
.... Okay sorry.... No one could answer it thats why i asked....
He was online...
They were online.... Thats my point ....
Okay So im not 100% sure if this is a glitch but my balance is sometimes messed up.... sometimes I have 2 balances?? Just check out my screenshot....
I have a friend that has added to his plot. Now most of the time I can use his plot but sometimes it glitches and doesnt let me. I try restarting...
okay, ho on let me start my game up again.
Hey studzHD You know I can build pretty good I could make you one. You know Im good. Id be better at another I got more ideas. Plus Im running out...
At least Look at my plot and see How helpful it is....
You could but Not everyone is going to know about it still...
Due To all of the questions asked by players I tend to answer most of them. In my Plot there is a room for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). I...
JasonX224 Scammed me out of 25 Billy. He said he would sell me an alpha Pickaxe for 45 Billy. I said okay and payed half, we agreed he would drop...