Alright thanks.
Speaking of, how do u summit maps?
Alright. I might have just been lagging because at the time, 3yerrt was online
Dylanalson just appeared out of nowhere in infection and killed me. He went through blocks so i couldnt hit him and didnt slow down when he hit me
This is a glitch that sometimes happens. Sometimes, re logging can bring back your levels. If this does not work, do what zeldaninjamonkey said to...
well i got the levels but i still rank up from them but when i get bonuses i dont get the bonuses
What do you mean?
Alright I think that is what happened. SSMH you are right, infection is the server that glitches the most because the infection plugin for 1.8.1...
Ok, the easiest way is /suicide. If u cant type this in 3 seconds, practice practice practice!
I am a mvp that has seen people do this and I have cracked the code on how to /me msgs (get back at your friends if u have a rank): /me &6-> me]...
No, do /suicide to kill yourself. Then you will get teleported to spawn.
The command for normal is /skull <player name>. Nobody at any rank can use this command. You will have to get heads from staff that you have made...
I gtg
:( alright. so the better the rank the more lucky with voting?
hmmm can u talk with the owner or someone who could give me the xp. if you cannot do that, you may vote for me ALTHOUGH, i have voted today
i dont get it. Why would i need to vote on infection when i get my reward on other servers without being on them. also, another thing i dont get...
is there a way someone can give me the 50 xp?
I dont remember
hold on gotta be afk for a sec