Hey same thing happens to me all the time just give it a couple of hours it generally sorts it self out :D
Yin start a conversation with me over thr fourms and i will explain
I need a moderator to help me by starting a private chat with me all details will be explained to a verrifed moderator on mineverse :D
Thank you so much!!!!! :D
Every time I click on the OP Prison logo in the selector it connects me but then disconnects me and it only started about 5mins before i wrote...
Yes thank you for your help :D!
What would happen if i was to upgrade to supreme instead of eltie is what im trying to ask? like would it take the price of MVP away? or do i have...
i was just wondering that if i was to purchase a rank higher than the rank i upgrade to such as MVP to Elite if i bought supreme or higher would...
Is there any way possible that I can get the Rare keys back after i have opened them because this is the second time that i havent recived my rare...
Thanks for your input but i really didnt have much time to think of my application as it is 4.16am and i woke up like 5 min ago and thought im...
To whom this may concern, I xBrendanMC would love to be a member of the Mineverse staff team, here is my application. How old are you? I am 12...
I opened a bunch of voter keys and i was ment to get some rare keys but they didnt go into my inventory i would like to have my rare keys please...
I just opened 8 or 7 stacks +4 or voter keys and i got my common keys picks armor ect. but it said i got a rare key but it never appeared in my...
Mrbuttsworth and i made a deal where i give him a head and he gives me access to his plot he added me to his plot i gave him the head and then he...