My IGN is BENSTERBOY2002 Reportee's IGN: CandyIsAwesome Rule/s broken: Advertising and spamming, warned him before sending report, I suspect it is...
Name: BENSTERBOY2002 Reportee's name: spergamer344 What rule they broke/ how they broke it: Spamming their server and not stopping when many...
I agree things have gone downhill but that's because there's been little development. I mean over the time we've done nothing several servers on...
Funny thing is i took an hour to build the major feature on my plot, not mentioning the rares... but lol...
Actually did watch him, seemed like a honest guy, he even sorted my giant rare collection that he, in the end didn't touch, I thought he logged...
I know, but really I wanted to tell the community, if he destroyed everything I wouldn't care but it's just if anyone else gets griefed.
Just denied a griefer named muttok2 don't add him.
I think having that much is slightly greedy as you'd only need 3 sets then elite weapons in there so I think you can buy an upgrade for room with ign.
I just save them till the god armored people come on then poison and strength II time, it's so fun.
So a guy I added to give me a hand tried to grief me, it was about 15 mins after I went to another person's plot, i come and find him smashing...
Bai! Go wherever life may take you, and remember, you can't read the next chapter of life if you keep rereading the last! :)
Sorry, realised i backed up on to the wrong plot, the guys name is hotdogs 989, sorry for inconvinience.
Anything that has a strong baseline and a decent melody, vocals need to fit too.
My name is BENSTERBOY2002, a friend of mine told me he found an obscene plot, but didnt have a mineverse account. I don't think i need to explain...
M8 i ain't a noob and you're a 5 year old
That idea sounds good, how about you start with full dia and as you go up your gear gets worst then super OP
Late in the conversation
Let's see, we moved onto another area of the topic and the comment is blatant and unneeded
I'm already living off MT and MP, so this server helps me to chill [H8rs gonna H8]