o/ hey zambi, how's it going?
Huh, haven't been on mineverse forums for a long time, probs cause I'm busy on SB forums....
Imo, Please remove the Colors, I don't understand the reasoning why people add an array of colors to an application, It makes the application look...
All Hail Bird Jesus
No support, reasons are as following A:Incorrect application format B: incorrect application title C: Multiple applications
Judging from his behavior in the OP, and the response to Bunto, it does not look like he has changed the slightest in his behavior.
That mouth full of toothpaste though....
To answer your question of who I am, I am a moderator of Skyblock, same as Dirty ninja. Also, just because buntobaga called you this Does not...
Moderator applications do not go into the Support section, please ask a moderator to move your application to the Mineverse Moderator Applications...
I would advise you to reduce the amount of profanity you use, and also, to be less rude to others. If you are not to take this advice, you might...
Hola Mi Amigo! felicidades por Moderador! *Rips off Spanish speaking Mustache* Bah, Meant to say "Hello My Friend/Fellow Moderator/Staff...
@Rakion504 Editing out the Ip Will not do sadly, You will have to Perm ban the account, because that account may make another thread advertising...
Now, Due to the fact that I do not want anyone but Staff members to see this evidence, I will have to place it in a Hidden content container for...
He was a moderator, or well... not exactly, he was a Prison guard when Mineverse Prison was in it's first month or two of existance, as well as...
My little sister deserves a Support! So I support!
Support Definitely, if promoted, SLG will be a great addition to the Mineverse staff
Please refrain from posting in this thread if you are not involved at all with the report, You may only comment on a report If and only if you...
Keep all off topic Arguments off of the reports sections, Off topics includes what Legends has said, Also includes also And If you all are...
Something Will happen to him, R3dy Abused his Permissions, which is not allowed at all, and as we all know, When someone abuses perms, a possible...